Friday, April 15, 2005


Maybe - Tour de France

I'm looking at ways to escape this summer to the Tour de France. There has to be a way to go cheap! I'm looking, looking, looking, for a way to take Liz, who is graduating from college. This will probably be the last race for Lance Armstrong, trying for his 7th Tour win, and I got to go last year.

So, there are choices of how to do this: 1) go with a group, or 2) do a "self-guided" trip. #1 would mean things are planned out for us, and you have to go with their flow. #2 would mean that we could explore - or we could possibly get lost, not speak the language, and drop off the face of the earth.

I'm thinking of doing #2. Comments?

p.s. Liz - could you please help me add the links for this?

go momma go!!! and definitely will be much more fun. and plus, if you get lost...all the more story to tell later :-D i love you!
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