Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentines Day

...from Mandy Pa"pink"in

aka RHB

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Smothers bro at Walmart

Near my home there are lots of Walmarts - there's the one that makes me crazy in the parking lot, the one that makes me hate checking out, and then there are ones that are just handy. Then there's this other one - a fancy Walmart. Ever been in one of those? My sister took me to one on the way to New Braunfels when I visited her, and she said, "this is the nicest Walmart EVER!"

I had to agree that sometimes Walmarts have different levels. I don't know how they do this, but maybe it's wider aisles and better lighting. One like that near here is up in Nokomis on the way to Sarasota. It's got great landscaping, no blaring signs nearby, and the general area is upscale. I suppose they have strict zoning codes that keeps the area like that, as well as the fact that there are gated neighborhoods everywhere along that stretch of road.

With all this in mind, it was still somewhat of a surprise when last fall I "saw someone." I KNEW this person was a celebrity - kind of like when I spotted Samuel Jackson in a Chicago department store and I got the stare that said, "I know you've spotted me, but please don't stare." There's just that certain "look," of a celebrity, where the face is familiar but just can't be placed. That's how I felt when I saw this...guy. But he was so "out"-standing - he had an expensive-looking Hawaiian shirt, and cologne that I could smell even at the end of that wide aisle where he and his lady-friend/wife were looking at rugs. In the fancy-shmancy Walmart.

"Call Liz," I thought - because she always knows everyone. But I didn't have anything to go by - and I kept thinking this guy was from way back...maybe Love Boat of something. At least that time frame - LLOOOONNNNGGG Ago. Liz wasn't much help - but she said, "just memorize that face you saw. It will come to you."

Sunday morning I opened the magazine section of the Sarasota paper. On one of the first inside pages, there was this big photo - and an ad for Koval & Koval Dentistry. There, smiling, was the man I had seen: Dick Smothers!

Turns out Dick lives in Sarasota, got his teeth done, and shops at the nice Walmart.

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